Mr. Senator, go FIRST for freedom from high cost of medication which is bankrupting 60% of the total number of families.

Secondly, Mr. Senator, go for freedom from POLYPHARMACY – that is, big Pharma's 70 side effects (poisonings) per medicine, side effects to sooner or later mature into new diseases, each will also beget the average of 70 side effects and on and on the cycle.

Thirdly, Mr. Senator, go for freedom from ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS – the synergy of fatal effects once the drugs meet and form a cocktail inside the patient’s body.   

These three form the reason why pharmedicine is the No. 1 killer in the USA, surpassing the death toll of CVD, the No. 1 killer disease.

This is the finding of the group of Dr. Gary Null et al published as “Death by Medicine” already foreseen 2,000 years ago and recorded in Revelation 18:23-24 – “Sorceries, foremost of which is the pharmaceuticals, shall be the No. 1 deceiver of the nations and the No.1 killers of mankind, saints and sinners.”

Both Ezekiel 47:12 & Revelation 22:1-3 announce the return to “leaf shall be your medicine” and then “there shall be no more curse” e.g., illness.

The best move for America is to not make the Holy Bible a collateral damage and casualty for the failure of religious leaders and the churches they run with less noble intentions. Atheism is not the right response.

Also, please do not include God and Christ in your disappointment for their so-called sent ones who maybe are fake who become the root cause of this big mess.

Sir, to hasten freedom, let me point to you: Go for our Lord’s own version, still uncorrupted, version of the gospel, titled “The Great Gospel according to Jesus Christ thru John” (shortened title: The Great Gospel thru John).  Free download:

This is 7,500 pages and 25 volumes in F Corne’s English binding but 11 thicker volumes in its original German binding.

This will correct the 250,000 errors injected by Vatican into the Holy Bible. Again, please do not blame the victim, which is the Holy Bible.

And do not make God the victim of your blaming too. God and Christ is not the priests or ministers, nor are they the religions and churches. The failure of one should not blame the other. The fault of America is this: when religions and churches and the bible failed them, due to the lost 250,000 truths, they became atheist.

Atheism because of the failure of the priests, religions and churches. That is a wrong move. The correct move should have been: To realize that there are false books, false teachers, false prophets, false religions, false churches and false christs, and the job of each one is to determine which is which and who is who. 

That way, the nation could have proceeded to prove what is right and throw what is wrong, and thus, found the ‘TRUTH THAT SHALL SET US FREE’ instead of falling into man’s many –isms (philosophies) which are imperfect and lacking and which lacks became the source of many pains. That is what we have with capitalism, communism, socialism, rationalism, atheism, you name it. Man trying to solve it his way.

The perfect system is whole and it is only found in the Lord’s own version of the gospel and in the original versions of the apostles which they tampered to come up with their own deceptive version now known as the New Testament.

Sorrowfully, the New Testament is now a dimmed light. So how can we find the way or walk safely with a dimmed light?

We love you. And we pray for your nation and family. Godbless and namaste!

