If You Want Temporary Healing And Temporary Health, Go To The Doctor

If You Want Temporary Healing And Temporary Health, Go To The Doctor

Marisol Escoto: Atty. Gadon, you are a lawyer , but you are not in a medical field . Your expertise is different from a medical field . That is why you better keep your mouth shut. You don’t know anything .....you better specialized in your field of expertise..as a lawyer or maybe you want only to be famous hayyyy grabeeee

Arnulfo Laniba: You will be shocked to read Dr. Farrah's intelligent article published in her website about the statements and findings of many studies all over the world, so it is not only one study or from one source, but from many nations, stating that doctors only took 2 hours (as in the case of Filipino doctors) on nutrition. In the USA, less than 20 hours, so less than one day. The same is the case in other nations: they studied nutrition only a few hours out of their over 4 to 10 years of medical course. Now, contrast that to the founder of Dok Alternatibo, Dr. Delibo, who read all medical books and then as many other books on health, nutrition, toxicology, and all other books and articles that affect our health, plus about 5 year-course of alternative medicine in China. Like Dr. Delibo, Dr. Farrah is well-versed in the details of each leaf and fruit and roots they studied. God did not say in the Bible "Study the chemicals... for they are the source of healing"... He said, at least twice, in Isaiah 47 and Revelation 22: The fruits are for your food (that is, health, that is, prevention of illnesses, that is preventive medicine) and the leaf shall be for your medicine, that, curative medicine. Hence, fruit including seeds such as grains and nuts as preventive medicine as it has been said "Let thy food by thy medicine" and leaf as curative medicine. Again, fruit as preventive medicine and leaf as curative medicine. And then.. what? The Lord says in verse 3 of Revelation 22: "And shall the curses (illnesses) of the nations shall disappear!" Yes, the Lord is saying, And the bawang at luy-a will remove thy curses they are meant to remove!

Arnulfo Laniba: Marisol Escoto, whom do you believe: the lawyer who reads all topics or the doctor who knows nothing but only medicine... so this doctor does not know that FDA has been all these years approving toxins/ poisons mixed in almost all processed products.

Arnulfo Laniba: Gene Andrei Santiago Rilcopiro, Jesus never took a university degree!

Arnulfo Laniba: Gene Andrei Santiago Rilcopiro, you do not know that this world's educational system is the wisdom which God describes as foolishness!

Arnulfo Laniba: Gene Andrei Santiago Rilcopiro, You are deceived by the titles like MDs and PhDs. You do not realize that these MD and PhD men and women are the ones running every thing from agriculture to government, to manufacturing, to pharmaceuticals, to schools and universities, to mass media, to banks, you name it: and the result: THIS WORLD OF POVERTY, ILLNESSES AND GREAT MESS!

Arnulfo Laniba: Gene Andrei Santiago Rilcopiro, your belief in fragmentation system aka specialization has deceived you into knowing that only them in their chosen field knows better than anyone else.

Now test yourself: Compare the person who studies Medicine and read the textbooks of the course only and not reading any other books versus the person who does not take the medical course but reads both the textbooks of the medical courses plus all other books on health. Who is brighter: the one who is taking the course of a medical doctor or the one who has no course but has read all kinds of medical and health books?

Take note that "medical" and "health" are two different terms. "Medical" refers to reacting not preventing. "Health" books are about prevention. So who is wiser and more knowledgeable, he who practices "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' or the one who becomes a doctor and focuses on the task of reacting after the illness has hit?

Gene Andrei Santiago Rilcopiro: Arnulfo Laniba, you are not a Doctor or a Chemical Engineer to state words like what you are doing:)

Arnulfo Laniba: Gene Andrei Santiago Rilcopiro, Do you know that doctors only had 2 hrs in the subject of Nutrition? While I have years of reading and applying books on nutrition? Who can you believe about prevention and nutrition: the doctor or me? Or anyone who got more than 2 hrs of nutrition subject?

Arnulfo Laniba: Gene Andrei Santiago Rilcopiro, go to YouTube and type "Doctors and nutrition" and you will be told that doctors studied nutrition only 2 or few hours, not even days.

Arnulfo Laniba: So doctors are only good at where they are good, namely: 1) diagnosing and naming the disease and 2) prescribing chemical as medicine to, not heal, the illness but manage it until the patient gets worse, have more diseases and die.

Arnulfo Laniba: Gene Andrei Santiago Rilcopiro, Let me mention again because my post yesterday has been removed, and this is what I wrote yesterday: In her website, Dr Farrah has collected the findings and statements from many authorities including fellow doctors and scientists from all over the world saying the same thing, to wit: doctors are ignorant and not qualified about nutrition or prevention because they only studied nutrition for only a few hours, in the Phils it is only 2 hours!

Arnulfo Laniba: Gene Andrei Santiago Rilcopiro, so, if you want temporary healing and temporary health, go to the doctor. But if you want to prevent illness or achieve permanent healing, go to someone else.
